Showing Your House to Potential Buyers

Your house should always be available for a potential buyer to see, even though it occasionally may be inconvenient for you. Your agent will probably suggest a lock box placed in a convenient location that will make it easy for other agents to show your home. Most agents will call and give you at least a couple of hours notice before showing your property.

Leaving the house

Potential homebuyers may feel like intruders if you are home when they visit, and they might not be quite as receptive toward viewing your home. Visit the local coffee house, yogurt shop or take the kids to the local park. If you absolutely cannot leave, try to remain in an out of they way area of the house and not move from room to room. Allow your agent to do all the talking – but do answer any questions the agent may ask.


When you know someone is coming by to tour your home, turn on all the indoor and outdoor lights – even during the day. At night, a lit house gives a warm, inviting impression when viewed from the street. During the daytime, turning on the lights prevents harsh shadows from sunlight and it brightens up any dim areas. Your house will look more receptive to the buyers.


Do not use scented sprays to prepare for visitors. For a pleasant aroma in your house, use a potpourri pot or turn on a stove burner for a moment with a drop of vanilla extract on it. It will smell like vanilla cookies and who can resist a house with fresh baked cookies.

Pet Control

If you have pets, make sure your agent puts a notice with your listing in the multiple listing service. If you know a buyer is coming, try taking your pets with you while the homebuyers tour your home. If that isn’t possible, keep Fido and Max in a penned area in the back yard. Try to keep indoor cats in a specific room when you expect visitors, and put a sign on the door. Most of the time, an indoor cat will hide when buyers come to view your property.

The Kitchen Trash

Having an empty trashcan, freshly lined with plastic is much more appealing than having one with last night’s spaghetti box showing. Go through your house and make sure all the trashcans are empty, newly line and have clean odors. It might even be a good idea to wash the trashcans at least once a week while your house is on the market. Not only will it make your house smell clean, it keeps germs from building up.

Keep the House Neat and Clean

A nicely made bed, some fresh flowers on the nightstand will make your bedroom seem very inviting. Walk around your house just before your buyers come by and pick up any newspapers, empty glasses or other clutter that may have made its way into your rooms. Keep everything freshly dusted and vacuumed. Try your best to have it look like a model home – a home with furniture but nobody really lives there.